Grave Care

Single Grave Planting Price List 2025

All work must be paid for in advance. No credit cards accepted.

When ordering Planting and Perpetual Care at the same time, please issue
1 check for Planting and 1 check for Perpetual Care.
Mature Evergreen Yews . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . $739.00
Recommended on a grave with a footstone
Special Evergreen Yews . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . $562.00
Recommended on a grave with a headstone or an open bed
Do not set an unveiling date until you are informed by your monument dealer that the stonework has been completed.

Planting Seasons

Spring: April 1st - May 1st
Fall: September 1st - October 15th

Season Care

2025 Season Care $98.00
Season Care starts May 1st, ends November 1st


The Cemetery supplies only selected, first class, healthy plant stock. The stock is carefully planted and should establish itself well. We will replace any plants that die within one year, upon receipt of one-half the listed price of the plants, provided they were planted during one of the Cemetery's two planting seasons.

Scheduling of Orders

  • Planting orders are handled on a first-come, first-serve basis.
  • Payment MUST be received at least two weeks prior to executing a planting order.
  • Please notify the cemetery at least two weeks in advance of an unveiling.
  • Stones must be set prior to planting the grave.
  • Stones must be inscribed prior to planting the grave.

New Plantings

No additional charge is made for the balance of the care season ending November 1st, since our efforts to make the plants take hold and thrive are more than enough to give the appearance that seasonal care would produce.

Care notices for new plantings are mailed during the next January following the original planting date, and charge for care is payable on or before May 1st.

Prices Effective until December 31, 2025.